“Women who survive sex trafficking, prostitution, and addiction deserve a second chance at life. ”
There is a national deficit in specialized Residential care for survivors of sex trafficking. Sparrow Place is a Christ-Centered nonprofit that was founded when the realization of this gap met with vision and calling to see the unseen and be a voice for the voiceless until every captive is set FREE.
Our primary purpose is to provide women survivors with a safe place to live and the space and resources they need to leave their exploitation behind.
Our primary avenue to accomplish this purpose is our beautiful home in York County, PA, provided FREE OF COST, LONG-TERM, for survivors who are ready to begin their journey of self-care, wellness, healing and restoration.
The secondary purposes of Sparrow Place are to promote PUBLIC AWARENESS of human trafficking, empower and armor communities through EDUCATION, and amplify the voices of victims and survivors through ADVOCACY.
We have already equipped many of our neighbors, churches, businesses, and service providers in York County with recognition and response training. Have you joined the conversation?